Saturday, November 22, 2008

My weekend, so far

I promised a review of Twilight, so here it is. I have to give Twilight a 5/10. Why? Here are some pros/cons of the movie.
Pros: They did an OK job of compacting the whole book into 2hrs. The nature scenes were beautiful. Unfortunately that is about it. Oh, and it was actually pretty funny (even though it wasn't a comedy).
Cons: The actors were decent and the scripts were a little cheesy. There were a lot of awkward scenes, too.
I think Twilight would've had a better chance if they had went with a bigger production company and with some better actors. If you have read the book I would go and check it out, just for fun. If not, I wouldn't bother, you'll be pretty lost.
Beware though, the characters in the movie completely ruined how the characters were in the book. So now when I go to read the sequels I will be thinking of Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson. Great.

I know that it is still Saturday, but I just got back from the Texas Renaissance Festival. Got up at 8 (I dreaded that, seeing that we didn't get home till around 2 cause of Twilight) and met up with friends by 9:30, we didn't get there until about 11ish. The place was huge. I was really impressed with it for the most part. I would say the majority of the people there were in costume, and no, I was not. There were a lot of things there I wanted to buy but it was ridiculously expensive. I did not see one thing there that was at a decent price. Food, maps, clothing and entertainment were all very over priced. It is their fest so they can do that I guess. The jousting was decent and the performances were very funny. I would have to say that there are too many shops there. There had to have been at least 10 sword shops. Most carrying the same swords. Same with most of the other themes they had set up around the festival. The best part? That would have to be just being with my girlfriend and friends on a beautiful day. Oh and also the turkey leg! It was large, delicious and fulfilling. Next year I will know to bring a lot more cash so maybe I can actually buy something.

Well, it's time to work on some of that good ole' homework and take it easy for the night. After walking for a good 4-5hrs I am exhausted. Seth out.


LadeedaTiffany said...

I had a lot of fun too! I'm sorry you didn't enjoy Twilight that much =[
Oh and you forgot that you went to the festival with GERPREN!

LadeedaTiffany said...

well I didn't mention you because I didn't mention anything about my day. It was just simply a review of the movie :]